You're tearing the pavements up, leaving a trail of fire in your wake. Onlookers are standing in awe of you. Yes, you're training well, rising up the club rankings. You have had numerous successful races. Shall I train for a half-marathon? Or a marathon? God even an ultra is possible....
AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's ok, I'll run it off, I'll run it off. AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! No you won't.
You hobble home, trying to avoid the sniggering glances from the same passers-by. From your near-Farah status, you are now looking at a lengthy lay off. We all know being injured is so FRUSTRATING! And it is so bad.... or is it? Despite the annoying fact that you're going to be spending the next few weeks on the sofa, there are some benefits:-
1). Rest Whether you want it or not, being injured is a sure-fire sign that you were pushing too hard, or raising your training too quickly. Do what your body tells you and have a well deserved rest- not only will your injured area recover, all of your other muscles can take a well deserved break.
2). Education When we are injured, we are usually so desperate to return that we scour the internet looking for a solution to the problem. Inevitably this brings its own plus side in that we can learn how not to repeat the mistakes again (if indeed we were making them!)
3). Realise the Importance of Stretching The vast majority of muscle injuries occur because we haven't warmed up properly, or our post run routine is not good enough. The frustration of being injured really rams this point home. Pre-Run, we should be DYNAMICALLY stretching- meaning that we go for a brisk walk first, then break into a slow jog just to get our muscles warmed up. Post-Run is where we must do our STATIC stretches- meaning that we individually stretch our muscles to enable the lactic acid to drain away.
4). Exercise Differently I am guilty of purely running for my main exercise. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is beneficial to try something different every now and again. When I am injured I try to replace running with swimming. It is great for toning muscles and burning fat. Most of all however, it is kind to your joints.
Hopefully, I have given you some plus points to dampen the frustration caused by injury. However much we hate to injured, it is part of running- it happens to everyone at some point! But- make it easy on yourself by seeing the positive in the negative!
You can follow the Running Geek on Twitter @stevenlomax2. Alternatively, sign up to follow this blog, or contact the Running Geek directly on You can also check on the Running Geek's progress on Strava under Steven Lomax
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