Tuesday, 6 August 2019

The RUNSTREAK is OVER! Why and what now?

My dear readers- however you get this blogpost-many of you follow my progress on Twitter and you will know I am currently in the throes of a runstreak. However, I have some news that my current runstreak is over. It is a decision I have not taken lightly, it has taken lots of thought, but I have decided that it is the right thing to do for me right now. I would say it had finally come to an end, but it only lasted 22 days- I say only but I think that to go from no running at all, to go 22 days in a row is some thing to be proud of. 

Why is it over?

1- It has served its purpose. The original idea was to reignite my love for running and it has certainly done that. I am re-energised and excited about running again. I have signed up for the Bury 10k and I am blogging about running again! 

2- My body is simply tired Even though my love of running has come back, this does not stop my body being tired. Having not run seriously for a while, I will need to rebuild my deep fitness levels. 

3- I need to run longer distances Part of the runstreak was to run at least a mile per day. So to feel I had the energy for the next day, alot of the time I was running just that, a mile. I have the Bury 10K approaching on the horizon so I need to run longer distances to prepare for that race.

4- My calves were getting tight I have had calf trouble for as long as a can remember so I know the tell tale signs when they are starting to develop. One of my triggers for a calf strain is tightness in the muscle. I was having this alot more regularly and felt I needed a break. 

So really the reasons are kind of self preservation but I felt I needed to stop. I really need to build my distances now but was scared I would be too tired for the next day's mile if I did that during the runstreak. 

Finishing the runstreak is actually quite scary- as now I am worrying whether I will do enough running to maintain my fitness for the Bury 10K- however I feel if I impose a minimum distance of 3 miles during my training, this should keep my miles up.

So what now?

So I have a few things on the horizon. I obviously have the Bury 10K looming during mid September so I need to make sure that I am ready for that.

I read a post by Slouching Towards Thatcham where Tim outlined his targets for his year of fitness. This seemed a great idea so I'll be filling you in on my targets for the rest of 2019 very soon!

Also, in the immediate future I have started a running club for people on my estate. This is very nerve wracking but exciting all at the same time as I am reaching out in order to bring people together and help fitness-wise. The first meet is tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes on Twitter!



  1. Have a sports massage on your (if you haven't already)will help ease up your calf muscles. I have one every couple of months or when I feel twinges starting. Good luck with the community run group hope it takes off for you.

  2. Really good advice. I usually go for the massage when it’s too late!!! Silly me. Prevention rather than cure
