Wednesday, 3 August 2022

What does running mean to you?

 So… very simply… what does running mean to you? Let me know either here at the bottom or on Twitter @sober_ste

What does running mean to you?

Running can mean many things to many people. It can change over time too. My story is no different. 

When I was at school, maybe 11/12 years of age, the dreaded school cross country filled me with dread however I gradually started to enjoy the grim determination required to get round the course. Soon enough I had become one of the best in my year group. 

Then university hit and the more pints I drank, the more I forgot about my old friend running. Sadly, the longer I forgot about running, the more weight I gained. 

In my third year, approaching obesity, I made my peace with running and signed up for the Sheffield Half Marathon. This was to be the best decision I made. The pounds fell off, my mind became focused and my confidence finally soared. 

Inexplicably however, I forgot about running again- going out sporadically over a period of a few years. Being in the workplace and living my life got in the way again. I steeled myself and joined a running club. 

Next followed my running golden years. After only a few months, my body had been transformed into a peak fitness running machine and I was eager to see just how far I could push myself. At this point, running meant distance, pace, races, PBs and constantly striving to be the best I could be. 

This level of commitment and enthusiasm was always going to be difficult to maintain. After injuries and a change of career I am more about simply enjoying my running and as long as I’m actually getting out and running- I’m happy. Maybe I’ll enter more races in the future though- who knows? 

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Runstreak Day 4!

The running geek’s runstreak has reached day 4! 

Follow me on Twitter @sober_ste

 I am really trying to take advantage of the six week summer break to make some head way towards my challenge of walking or running 1000 miles in the year of 2022.  

I have so far managed to do 549 miles so far and we are just into August, which means I have nigh on 5 months to do 451 miles. This equates to approximately 3 miles per day. 

This is the reason I’m trying to get ahead now because from September to December, trying to squeeze in 3 miles per day will be a tough feat. 

As for my embryonic runstreak, I am up to day 4. Doesn’t sound much but I’m glad to be running on a daily basis- sometimes 2 or 3 times daily as I jog behind my little boy who is like lightning on his balance bike! 

Here he is above on the aforementioned balance bike! I’m wondering how long it will be before he is on a full pedal bike?! 

Here are some wild fruits I managed to photograph on my run

Monday, 1 August 2022

Training vest is… GONE

So if you have read my previous two posts you’ll know my trials and tribulations with my training vest! 

Basically it restricts my breathing on my runs- so much so that I’ve had to stop 3 or 4 times whilst only doing a short three mile run… not good! 

So, the only option I felt that was open to me was to run au naturelle- or simply without the vest. 

This presents a couple of problems. How do I carry my phone? How do I carry my key? 

The answer was simple, yet not ideal. I put my phone in my pocket… but it was jingling about everywhere which was annoying. Then I simply had to hold my key. Again annoying. 

As for the vestless run- yes my breathing WAS easier, but it was still tough! Maybe I have to accept that I need to work on my fitness a little more! 

So where one problem is solved- the running vest is permanently ditched… another problem of what to do with my possessions presents itself! 

Will I ever win?! 
This is a picture I took on my run. It’s my car 🚗